Did you know
only 16% of school-aged
children reported feeling
very safe at school?
SPSG has extensive successful experience working with K-12 schools on a variety of education reform and school safety initiatives, which includes working with 65 school districts and serving approximately 2,250 school sites and district facilities. These figures do not include our work with the U.S. Department of Justice, which assisted school districts throughout the country on a wide variety of school safety and violence prevention initiatives. The following provides additional information about our services:
Emergency Response
- Emergency Response Plan Evaluation & Development
- Emergency Response Team Development
- Emergency Response Scenario Training, Drills, & Practice
- Classroom Emergency Flipcharts
- Emergency Communication Protocols
- Emergency Maps and Site Plans
Crisis/Crime Prevention
- Crisis Prevention Management Plan & Evaluation
- Safety Plan Review and Inspection
- Sexual Harassment and Abuse Training
- Building and Playground Safety Analysis, Audits, & Testing
- Crime Prevention Team Development
- Security & Vulnerability Assessments
- Security Equipment Analysis
School Safety:
Legal Compliance & Policy Review
- Understanding Local Laws on Safety, Crisis Management & Disruptive Behavior
- Understanding NCLB Safety Compliance
- Implementing Your Code of Conduct
- Policies Review and Development (Illegal Substances, Search and Seizure, Science Labs, Volunteers, Visitors, Field Trips, Tornadoes, etc.)
- National Incident Management System (NIMS), Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), Incident Command System (ICS)
- Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation for Local, State, and Federal Grants
Whole School Management
- Student Involvement & Restoring Control
- Data Analysis and Incident Reduction
- Student Behavior Management
- Classroom Management & Learning Environment
- Risk Assessments
- Pro-Social School Climate
Insurance Management
- Insurance Program Review and Procurement
- Claims Analysis
- Methods of Reducing Claims Cost
- Security officers and School Resource Officers
- Teachers and Administrators
- Non-instructional personnel
- Train-the-Trainer Modules
- Students
- Parents and the Community-at-Large
- Weapons Abatement
- Proper Searching and Handling of Firearms
- Sexual Abuse & Misconduct
- Safe Schools and the Law
- Verbal De-Escalation
- Violence Prevention
- Bullying Behavior & Relational Aggression