Would you know
what to do
in a cardiac,
breathing or first aid
The right answer
could help you save a life.
Course length
Approximately 4 hours
First Aid Learn how to respond to cardiac emergencies, including burns; cuts; head, neck and back injuries and more.
Cost $800 for up to 20 people ($40 per additional person)
to sign up today!
Thousands of people die each year in situations where first aid could have made the difference. This includes nearly 900 people who choke to death, 2,500 who asphyxiate from a blocked airway and 29,000 who die from heart attacks.
First aid could make a dramatic difference in these situations, either through direct intervention, in the case of choking, or by recognizing life-threatening signs, such as a heart attack, and caring for someone until medical help arrives.
About 92 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital, but statistics prove that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved. Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim's chance of survival. Four to six minutes is the window of opportunity for someone to act before it's too late, but fewer than one-third of cardia arrest victims get CPR from someone nearby.
With an emphasis on hands-on learning, our First Aid/CPR courses give you the skills to save a life. All course options align with OSHA's Best Practices for Workplace First Aid Training Programs and are available in a hands-on, classroom format. Certification is issued upon successful completion.
Download our First Aid and CPR Classes Brochure (PDF 258kb)