Did you know
35% of students have missed school at least once in the past 30 days because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to school?
At SPSG, our purpose is to create opportunities to improve the lives of students attending K-12 schools. We work with K-12 public schools, charter schools, nonprofits and law enforcement agencies nationwide.
For over ten years, SPSG has worked with clients to develop high-quality grant proposals, resulting in a 90% success rate and generating over $70 million in funded programs.
Download our Grant Services Brochure (PDF 742kb)
SPSG’s past successes in grant programs and key areas of focus:
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Advanced Placement Initiative
- CalGRIP (California Gang Reduction Intervention and Prevention)
- Carol M. White Physical Education Program Grant
- COPS: Secure Our Schools Grant
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Grant
- Emergency Preparedness and Management
- Gang Resistance and Education Training Grant
- High School Reform, College & Career Readiness
- Improving Math and Science Instruction Educational Technology
- Project AWARE
- Project Prevent
- Reading and Literacy Improvement
- Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grant Initiative
- School-Based Mentoring
- School Climate Transformation Grant
- Smaller Learning Communities
- Stalking, Teen Dating, and Domestic Violence Prevention
- Teacher and Principal Effectiveness Extended Learning
- Teaching American History
Grants Development
Clients receive turnkey grants development services that include expert-conducted needs assessments, program design, proposal writing and budget development. SPSG continually stays abreast of grant opportunities and analyzes these opportunities for our clients on a regular basis. We seek partnerships with clients that share our commitment to excellence, have clearly defined strategic goals for their proposed grant programs, and have reached an appropriate stage of readiness for implementation which aligns with funders’ priorities.
Our expertise includes the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services federal grant programs, State Department of Education program grants, private and corporate foundation grants.
Secure the Funding You Need
SPSG offers affordable, full service grant proposal writing services designed to assist schools in securing the funding they need to meet and exceed their mission, program goals and service priorities.
SPSG’s professional grant proposal writing services include the planning of the grant program (along with your organization and its partners), writing the full narrative, development of budget detail and budget narrative, and timely submission of the finished proposal. Every step of the grant writing process is designed to incorporate strategic planning and continuous evaluation between our grant writing team and your staff and stakeholders, so that the resulting proposal produces results and solutions that are customized to fit your needs and reflect your initiatives.
Don’t risk compliance issues that jeopardize current and future funding:
- Development of plans for matching requirements
- Identification and submission of required forms
- Development of work plans
- Maintenance of accurate records and reports
- Coordination of compliance
- Submission of invoices, vouchers, and bids
- Obtaining approvals of grant modifications
- Creation of monthly reports
- Providing closeout documentation
Post-Award Support
SPSG also provides a range of services to help clients effectively manage grant programs, ensuring the highest standards of accountability. Once your grant is funded, our priority is to support you in implementing a quality program that produces results. As your ongoing partner, we take on the overwhelming details of grants management to help you keep your program on track.
Post-Award Services include:
- Providing regular consultation in person, online, and through ongoing telephone contact
- Accessing a database of research and best practices
- Providing policy interpretation and guidance on the code of federal regulations
- Assisting with budget management
- Facilitating grantee networking events
- Preparing for federal site visits
- Assisting with sustainability planning
- Offering grant alerts, publications, and training opportunities
- Assisting with no-cost extensions
Our Commitment
We are committed to providing top quality grant writing and grant management services that are tailored to meet the specific budgetary and project needs of your organization. From competitive discretionary grant writing to foundation, family trust, and corporate grant writing, our grant development teams have the expertise to prepare successful proposals that are more likely to be awarded and implemented with limited constraints on your staff and your time.
By assisting your organization in navigating the complicated funding bureaucracy and enhancing collaboration among groups that can positively impact your community, we are able to remain focused on finding and securing adequate funding for your unique needs.
Our fee structure for grant writing and grant management services differs from one school to another. SPSG’s fees are affordable, adaptable, and tailored to meet the specific criteria of each and every client. We would be happy to discuss this bottom line concern with your administration at any time.