Creating safe schools is
our number one priority!
SPSG experts can create an interactive school safety database system that is customized to your needs.
Our experience shows us that this database system can drastically increase school safety. A school safety database system provides easy access to important information such as emergency contact information, emergency management and crisis response plans, information for the public and resources for school personnel, and first responders. The system can be updated as information changes, ensuring your overall safety strategy stays current and effective.
Our Interactive School Safety Database System will be customized for your school district. Generally, the database will include the following:
Emergency Maps & Site Plans
- Evacuation Maps that include evacuation routes, staging areas, emergency supplies, shut-off valves and command centers
- School site and district facilities information for First
- Safety threats and assets surrounding school site
Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan
- Comprehensive Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plan aligned with Federal, state and local requirements addressing all phases of an emergency: prevention, mitigation, response and recovery.
- User friendly search capabilities
Compliance Features for School Districts
- School Emergency Response Team Database
- Site-Based Drill Schedule
- Safety Committee Minutes
Lesson plans and interactive exercises
- Table-top exercises with a variety of safety related scenarios that schools face today.
- Lesson plans that address schools’ emergency procedures
- Student classroom exercises to help deal with fear, anxiety, and methods to assist in coping with a crisis.
Powerpoint Training Presentations
- Allow district and site-based school personnel to conduct training on a variety of emergency related topics.
- Training presentations include, but are not limited to:
responding to bomb threats, intruders on campus, students with weapons, ‘what if?’ scenarios, and conducting and evaluating emergency response drills.
Information and tools for parents and community members
- Emergency contact information
- Explanation of emergency procedures
- Preventative and resource information for parents such as reporting bullying behavior and drug and alcohol awareness, General safety tips for children.
Customized Features
- SPSG will work diligently to ensure the interactive emergency database system incorporates all concerns and suggestions for key-stakeholders.
- The database system can be an excellent tool for communicating best practices and upcoming events and ideas.
Additional Database Systems
SPSG can also provide additional database services we have found valuable to school districts and personnel including:
- School and Community-based Mental Health Services.
- Student Referral Database
- Insurance Claims Management Database
- Grant Management